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Prof. Dr. Veronica VIOLANT Holz
ACESS Executive Board Advisor
Prof. Dr. Veronica VIOLANT Holz
President, ICPESS 2020-Barcelona
Chief Investigator, The Acknowledged Research Group (SGR, 806): Hospital Pedagogy in
Neonatology and Paediatrics
Department of Didactic and Educational Organization
Faculty of Education,University of Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Verónica Violant Holz is a doctor in Psychology, graduated in clinical psychology from Comillas Pontificia University and in Teacher training from Ramon Llull University. She is a Professor at the Department of Didactic and Educational Organisation, University of Barcelona. She is also a leader of the postgraduate studies: Hospital Pedagogy in Neonatology and Paediatrics. Chief Investigator of the acknowledged research group (SGR, 806): Hospital Pedagogy in Neonatology and Paediatrics.
She has been developing her career as a professor and researcher for more than 20 years in the field of Creativity and Health in Hospital Pedagogy and she is the vice-president of ASOCREA-Creativity Association.
She has been invited to give conferences about these topics nationally and internationally: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Taiwan, and Venezuela. She won the scholarship for the promotion of professors-UB2015 Internationalisation to work in the field of Hospital Pedagogy in Malaysia and Costa Rica. She is the coordinator of the UNITWIN Network of Hospital Pedagogy-UNESCO.
She is a member of the COMAU (Worldwide Counsel of Academic University Students) and an honorary member of REDLACEH: the Latin-American and Caribbean network for the rights to education of hospitalised or in treatment infants and adolescents.
She is the author of several publications about care during childhood and adolescence in illness condition. She has written over 40 books and chapters of books and over 23 indexed articles that are available in databases such as JCR-Social Sciences Citation Index, Scorpus, IN-RECS, Latindex, IRESIE and Resh. Her last publication, under her direction, is a collection of 5 books about Hospital Pedagogy published by Editorial Aljibe-Málaga (Spain). Furthermore, she received the Diamond award in Research, from the World Wide Awards in Science Eureka in 2012 (awarded in Cuba).
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