President's Foreword

Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) is an organisation which was founded in 1999 but established formally in 2001. Since then it has grown steadily and we have strong membership from a number of Asian countries. Its strength can be seen from the continuous conference organised since its founding and its participation in a number of worldwide activities/conferences. Meanwhile, ACESS is actively involved with the Global Community Health (GCH) initiative of utilising Brain Breaks activities for all children. GCH consists of professionals from various countries globally that looks into improving the lives of children in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). Additionally, we look forward to a partnered conference in 2021 and our own conference in 2022 in Indonesia and China respectively.
As the newly elected president in October 2019, I have been working with ACESS as an executive board member since 2010 and was the Secretary General for International Conference for Physical Education and Sports Science (ICPESS) 2010 conference in collaboration with ACESS that was organised in Singapore. Thereafter, I became the Assistant Secretary General and moved on to Secretary General of ACESS till October 2019. With my experiences in ACESS, I am well-aware of its global philosophy and intentions. I hope members will appreciate our involvement in the world area of physical education and sports science and that more members will embark on this noble profession with us in taking care of the physical, the mind and the holistic well-being of all our children and adults. I look forward to all your contributions and hope you enjoy the camaraderie of ACESS. Let us work together to create a better future with all your help.
I like to end my foreword with a quote from the famous former USA President, John F. Kennedy, which emphasizes the importance of being physically active.
"Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." - John F. Kennedy.
Thank you.
Dr. G. Balasekaran
Asian council of exercise & Sports science
Fellow of American college of sports medicine (FACSM)
physical education & sports science
national institute of education
Nanyang technological university
Co-Founder and Past President of ACESS

As one of the four founders of the Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) it is with pride and personal fulfilment that I write this welcome message for the ACESS official website. In doing so, it is important to acknowledge the other three founding members: Prof. Dr. Tae-Won Jun from Korea, Prof. Dr. Mario Imson from Philippines and the late Prof. Dr. Jasson Chiang from Taiwan.
During the 20th C., sport played an increasingly important role in the world’s social, political, economic, cultural and educational systems. In the first two decades of the 21st C., sports science has developed at a phenomenal and impressive rate. It has contributed to the development of sports and physical activities throughout the world with deliverable and transformative strategies using a creative, innovative, interdisciplinary approach.
ACESS was founded in 2001 to promote communication, interaction, and cooperation among Asian exercise and sports science professionals and students in educational, scientific and research institutions. It also encouraged the exploration of issues in holistic health, sport, fitness, and healthy living for sustainability specific to the Asian regions and culture.
Presidents and Executive Board members over the last 19 years have established extensive linkage and co-operation between institutions and organizations. Furthermore, a global Sports Science network between the Asia Pacific region and the international community has been created. This network constantly evaluates best practices to ensure that there is ever changing professional advancement. To ensure that such practices are disseminated throughout the Asian region nine Asia-Pacific Conferences on Exercise and Sports Science (APCESS) have been organized. Since 2001, Korea, Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, India, and Thailand have hosted such conferences with 300-400 local and international delegates at each conference.
Our late Founder, Prof. Dr. Jasson Chiang, organized the APCESS 2013 at Chinese Culture University, Taiwan with the theme “Caring for the Future Generation: A Holistic Approach Leading Towards Health and Active Living”. ACESS will continue to fulfil his vision by supporting young scholars such as Future Leaders and Volunteers (FLV) for their professional advancements in research and community services.
ACESS will continually emphasise the need for governments, academic institutions, civic groups, businesses and individuals to band together to create sustainable, systemic change impacting individual and community health and wellness through exercise and sports science in supporting the 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals ( 17 UNSDGs).
On behalf of the Executive Board, I sincerely thank you for your continual support of ACESS.